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Bird Messages.

Writer's picture: Lamisha LamishaLamisha Lamisha
The actual King Parrot that nearly lands on me.
King Parrot

I woke up yesterday morning, my garden blooming in its glory entices me to get my fingers dirty. Mat is watering and I am digging my hands in the ground connecting with Mama Earth. I’ve realised since going on this journey.., how much I connect to her. That’s the beautiful thing about soil, not only is it necessary for the growth of our food, it is also necessary for our connection to this reality. The more you spend time in your garden the more you notice the seasons, creatures and the overall sense of calmness that washes over you. I’m mesmerised right now, it’s spring and all our flowers have sprung, as I’m in the garden a king parrot nearly lands on me.

On Sunday we had a magpie walking in around our house. Our doors and windows are always open. We have come to love both the joy and discomfort of living so close to nature. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love creatures enjoying the produce we grow, it teaches me that there is plenty for all and the Earth is abundant. We can learn so much by being part of nature, just by watching its rhythms and experiencing the changes in its seasons.

When I first arrived in Australia, I remember always singing to the birds, in the hopes one would land on me. When I watched Disney princesses, such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty so forth, what  I always noticed was that the birds would land on them when they sung. It was literally my dream for so much of my childhood, being in the garden and singing in the hopes a bird would land on me 😂Lol... It feels adorably precious when I think of those times, as I can see ‘little me’ as clear as day. But they never did and for much of my childhood I continued was something I was sure if I did long enough would happen.

Yesterday when the bird nearly flew on me, I had a flashback of this memory. I guess be careful of what you dream of, as I am reminded of another bird story, this one is set at Australia Zoo with my two friends, my youngest Chloë and a little boy I’d babysit from time to time, we are at a bird show . You wouldn’t  believe it but a huge Eagle or Hawk 🦅one of those varieties of bird lands on my head, I can still remember its claw wrapped on my very large bun 😂😂😂 It’s not part of the bird show and as the trainer uses a whistle to call it back, the crowd laughs. I’m a bit embarrassed, but equally it is hilarious😂😂😂. For me it felt like a really special moment to be honest. I have the craziest habit of thinking these things are good luck omens. Ask Mat and my daughters 😂. However, I believe in nature and the messages it’s constantly sending us, if you take the time to listen.

Which brings me to my Breathwork journey the other day (7th Oct), a Toucan appeared and in my conscious mind I knew I had to remember as the Toucan is not a bird we see in Australia and when I finished my journey I looked it up straight away.  The Toucans most obvious feature is its colourful long bill, which symbolises creative expression and the importance of embracing our uniqueness. It is believed that Toucans are great storytellers and when they appear it is an encouragement from the Universe to share your true colours to the world. As I consider my blogs,  I’m surprised at the messages I receive from people who read my blogs and how it resonates with them. I write these blogs when inspiration arrives, somehow the blogs write themselves. But as the Toucan appeared in my Breathwork it’s a great reminder for me to continue to share my stories.

Most people don’t  believe me when I tell them I am actually terribly awkward and shy. It’s only through this work I have somehow been able to face my fears of public speaking (still something I work through). The Universal Laws is my favourite topic and I love the ebb and flow of inspiration that arrive, even if it is in the form of birds 🦜

What messages do you receive from the Universe? Is it numbers, animals, plants, etc or is it variety of all of them? When you connect with these messages how do you receive it, meaning is it a inner knowing or is it more a felt sense? When we get curious with ourselves and our inner world, building a relationship with self, it's like all of a sudden the whole Universe opens up in YOU.

Big Hugs x


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